[OPEN BETA] Litchi Pilot

Valid point. I didnt think about that world

Is there any info on the panorama mode or is it just waypoints for the time being?

Only waypoints at this stage. There is a limited Pano template you can use on mission hub but it won’t allow full 360 panos. I really hope Litchi unleash the full potential of the Mini 3 Pro to complete full and complete 360 panos with no additional manual required nadir shots.

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Can someone explain the Heading Mode (acronym)?
I did a mission as on picture below, using the Custom (WD) heading, using Path Mode as Straight line.
I define a correct azimuth heading for each waypoint
But when flying, the drone tried to yaw as on the image, instead of keep the direction to next point.


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Custom means that the heading of the drone will interpolate from the heading defined at one waypoint to the heading defined at the next waypoint as the drone travels between them. What you want is “TNW” to cause the drone to always point at the next waypoint.

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Question: for Mini 3 Pro, the final Litchi Pilot release, will have the same user interface as the current Beta or as the old Litchi apps?

old app > old interface
new app > new interface

Hi Litchi.

I read that you launched a beta version of the Lichti Pilot app that works with my “DJI Mini 3 pro” so I installed it, the app told me I had to buy a license in the “non-beta” program, so I bought it…

Subsequently (after payment), I read that it is not recommended to buy a license for the Beta version, because a new Litchi Pilot application will be released, which will have to be purchased again. Is it possible that you have taken into account my purchase, which I have already made, so that I do not have to pay twice? :frowning:

PS: I really like your app.

The new “Litchi Pilot” app and the old “Litchi” app are two separate products. They have been developed separately and will be sold separately. People who already own the old app would have to pay for the new app once it is released. That is why, in the initial announcement it was recommended to NOT buy the old app just to have access to the beta version of the new app. I’m not sure what Litchi could have done to make that more clear. I’m sorry about that.


That doesn’t sound like a friendly solution :frowning:

You can email support@flylitchi.com and explain your situation. Perhaps they can provide a more friendly solution.

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OK, but the FPV, VR Mode, Follow, Orbit, Compass etc. will be included on the new interface? Because I do not see then on Litchi Pilot Beta

If you tap on the top left Litchi icon in Litchi Pilot, you will get your answer: “More flight modes coming soon”
Follow, Pano and Orbit are planned to be added, others will depend on demand.


Hello! How to enable flight modes? I have the litchi pilot installed but i can not find flight modes. Thanks!

@Adrian_Mihai_Stremta ,

Isnt this what you are looking for?

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As stated above the only mode available at the moment is waypoints


Flight modes coming when? If so i installed the app and i can not use it.

@Adrian_Mihai_Stremta ,

A timetable has not been posted. Its a totally new app still in Beta test. The feedback from users is vital to ironing out issues. Much to the dismay of some users, it will take time to release other flight modes. I’m sure that they will roll out more quickly, once they have Waypoints working without problems.

I can not find the waypont mission, it says flight modes coming soon.

I understand, hope they will enable at least the waypont mission to test it. Thanks for responding.