You know, its been days and days but still no response from the Litchi team in this regard what so ever ! - unless they have made an announcement or update perhaps here on this forum and I have missed it or something?
All I know is that Dronelink is looking better each passing day —
Unfortunately I received confirmation from the company by email.
It will be a new app with a new license to operate the DJI Mini 3.
This shows a certain lack of consideration for people who already own the current app Litchi until now and were waiting for the update to the new Mini 3 and Mini 3 Pro drones. We hope that the value of the new app is not as high as the impact of this news. We hope the VR mode will be good.
Maycon I respectfully disagree with your view that having to buy this newly developed version of Litchi as a new license could be regarded as being inconsiderate on the part of Litchi’s marketing department, bearing in mind the time and expense that was no doubt devoted to creating an entirely new variant of Litchi that will be tailored to the Mini 3.
I will gladly fork over the price equivalent of a steak dinner for two at Denny’s to obtain my copy of Litchi’s offering for the Mini 3, while I will also retain hope that in the fullness of time, DJI will tweak the Mini 3 SDK to permit the uploading of all GPS waypoint data prior to the drone’s departure on autonomous missions which will then be able to venture out on beyond RC signal range.
I completely agree with you Mad_Pup - Its part of being in business, although as long as the price for the new app is equal or less than the current app! Lets see what happens —
I agree with part of your point of view @Mad_Pup, e @Flight_Master, however, if we think about it like this:
Owners of DJI Mini2 users bought Litchi for compatibility with Mini2, although the application offers more drones in the list, now new Mini 3 buyers will have to pay for an exclusive application for mini 3, so instead of having several applications costing 27 Dollars , there could be a single application in which to release each drone, it would cost around 10 dollars or 5 dollars, that is up to the company. In my country Litchi with compatibility of more than 10 drones costs 27 dollars, how much will Litchi cost for exclusive Mini 3?
Note: This suggested system is already used in two other app including DroneVR which has gained ground in the market.
@Maycon_Brenner - well you do have a point there - this type of structure (extra charge as per drone type) should of been put in place at the beginning - so how can this work now?
Correct, if we stop to think about it, that would be what has been done so far, the existing member buys the app and new drones added are placed as an update. However, we assume that this new sdk system requires a new app because developers cannot achieve compatibility with the current app. We expect a reasonable solution for this case.
To play devil’s advocate there is a possibility that the version of Litchi created for the Mini 3 and Mini 3 Pro might also be applicable to the Mavic 3, even though DJI does already offer a waypoint platform for the Mavic 3 with the capability of flying beyond RC signal range.
It might be a bit too early to presume that the new Litchi version for the Mini 3 will not be versatile enough to work with other DJI drones. If I owned a new Mavic 3, I would really appreciate the freedom to remain loyal to the Litchi brand despite the availability of a beyond RC-signal range waypoint package offered by DJI Fly.
The $1,600 price of a new Mavic 3 is a bit rich for my wallet, but when the prices drop into the affordable range of mere mortals, I will likely buy one, for it is one superb bit of kit with significantly more advanced capabilities than the Mini 3 and superb flight time as well.
Why dont we just wait and see what happens? We’ve already determined that the Mini 3/Pro will be supported with an Android app.
Speculation about pricing accomplishes nothing on here. Nobody here is going to influence Litchi’s pricing structure, I’m pretty sure.
There are 3 threads going on at the same time about this issue. Cant some of them be closed or consolidated?
And with that said… I’m out.
Get back here, Sam. The paparazzi want at least one more statement from you, or we’ll be forced to pursue your vehicle through the streets of Manhattan in a near-calamitous manner possibly exceeding speeds of 7 mph in gridlock traffic.
I respectfully disagree with the assumption that developers don’t take community opinion into account. I believe that it is for these subjects that there are forums like this one, where discussions take place regarding these suggestions, improvements and constructive criticism. This is good for the community and the company.
This is all DJI’s doings. I’m sure that DJI had a reason to abandon the MSDKv4 and move on to MSDKv5. However, had DJI supported the Mini 3 [Pro] with MSDKv4, it would have been much easier for Litchi to add support for this new drone as they have done in the past. There would have been a software update in a reasonable amount of time and no extra charge.
DJI decided to make a change that has large ramifications. They decided to stop development work in MSDKv4 and support newer drones with MSDKv5 which is incompatible with MSDKv4. That decision has forced companies such as Litchi to do complete re-writes from the ground up. Is it really realistic to expect Litchi to provide this newly written app for free? They have added support for new drones in the original app for free because doing so didn’t require the same effort that they are forced to do now.
From this point on (unless DJI decides to break compatibility again with another major MSDK release), as DJI adds support for new drones to the MSDKv5, Litchi will probably return to adding support for new drones to their new app for free. This is what they have done in the past.
Just as a side note, even though it’s a completely separate app with a slightly different name, and not available in google play store (as the play store doesn’t support the sdk), the Dronelink version for Mini 3 is covered under any existing purchase or subscription of Dronelink (I’m just a user)
that´s is true.
I bought litchi. I installed it in my RC PRO, and never a beta version of litchi.
luckily we have dronelink which i am really enjoying,with my autonomous flights and mapping
I’m starting to suspect that the Company laid off the developers in November of Last Year, and now that SDK v5 is out it’s not easy to find them (lol)
Your speculation sounds far-fetched to me, but then I am convinced that my Winnebago could outperform a Porsche 911 on a mountain road with a bigger motor installed, and Barry Manilow tunes playing to help me concentrate behind the wheel while proving this concept to be feasible.
This is purely speculation, but maybe Litchi are holding off doing any work while DJI actually get the SDK working with up to date Android devices, Dronelink have it sorted to run on the RC Pro and it’s out of beta on that, but still having problems on the RC-N1 and separate android devices, apparently the OS on the RC pro is based on an Android version several generations old, rather than the up to versions running on most folks modern devices
Anyway, the list of people waiting for software to use in the mini 3 pro and make fpv vr and other resources is long, only here in this topic it has more than 14k views, that is, if we take into account that 99% of people do not view or participate in the forums, and the huge number of dji mini 3 and mini 3 pro being sold in current DJi promotions, we will see that they are missing out on making a fair amount of money, even more so considering the current darkness in the information and updates of the system since November last year.
At the moment we passed the middle of June with no information about the release of compatibility with mini 3 pro, several months after the release of the sdk
I am very disappointed. I had a dji mini 2 and paid quite a bit of money for an app to use it. Through a nice offer I now have a dji mini 3 and Litchi is not working yet and we will have to switch to another app I understand. Will current users get this one for free? discount or can we go down 25 euros again? I am using Litchi on an iPhone
You’ll have to purchase another version as the SDK that is used for the mini3 is only for Android