Support for Autel Drones

Please vote if you are interested in Litchi supporting Autel drones (nano, lite, evo etc)

If Autel also uses “Virtual Stick Commands”, I’m not interested.


I just joined. I am VERY interested, although Litchi support replied that it is doubtful to add Autel. With only 8 votes, I doubt that will carry much weight. Dang.


Yes please Litchi. Autel is coming and catching up to DJI with the release of Autel Evo Lite+ you now have a drone that isn’t a DJI and has performance close to a Mavic 3 for a much lower cost and with better optics. Please consider making Litchi compatible. The hold DJI has over the drone market is reducing and at last they have a competitor! I’m looking forward to the competition and the benefits that brings regardless of which side of the fence you are on! Check out this comparison… Camera Comparison Mavic 3 vs Autel Lite+ | Autel Drone Forum


Yes, please. Using Litchi going on 6 years. Now an Evo2 Enterprise owner.


If Litchi want to grow they need to support another manufacturers drones such as Autel. Litchi is currently “preaching to the converted” with DJI and offering additional features including supporting new DJI drones free of charge does not make commercial sense. As an Autel user as well as DJI, I would be very happy to pay a reasonable sum if the Autel Evo II and other products in the range were supported.


As long as the DJI version doesn’t take a back seat because the resources are consumed by the Autel version, I think it would be a good business plan. Some companies grow faster then the technical support can adapt. Keep it within yourself and you should do just fine remembering customer service/support is critical. “Any company can sell a product, it takes a real company to support it”

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Yes, please add Autel EVO II support, at least on part with what a Mavic Mini could do. Even if we cant have the smooth curves and altitude changes like with DJI, at least basic functions would be outstanding, Especially since Autel can not even export a mission from their mission mode to make a backup, or move to another device, let alone import a saved/exported mission while preserving waypoint actions, poi’s etc.

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Support for Evo II series would be appreciated.

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This would be excellent for the Nano+ I just purchased.


Add me to the votes for Litchi support for Autel drones. I would also like support for Skydio 2 drones! Skydio just added a makeshift “waypoint” planner (they call them “Keyframes”), but you have to use them “live”, they have no online hub like Litchi does. I use the Litchi hub for ALL my DJI flight planning.


I would like to fly my brand new nano+ with Litchi! yeah…

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Sure, if you don’t support Autel, someone does!

For Autel Lite and + and Nano and Nano Plus.

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Please add me to the vote/list supporting Autel drones for Litchi to support!!

R.Sugden MD
Jackson WY

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Since I also recently own an Autel EVO Nano +, I would also be interested in implementing these drones.

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Probably replacing my Mavic Air 2s with Autel in 1.5 years because DJI is on a list of China companies not approved for Government work. This could effect support from DJI and lower demand. Also, 40 minutes flight time from Autel sounds really awesome. Litchi, please support Autel. Thank you.

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Looking at Nano plus but stopped because of no Litchi promise. I waited over a year for Mini 2 support after paying for pro Litchi. I’m loath to wait another 12 months, during which time there could be a Mini 3.
If Autel read this you should consider paying Litchi to support your system. IMO.

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Yess, please
I’m using Litchi waypoint feature for mapping
Follow terrain is powerfull

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I have now got evo2 rtk for hobbyist vegetation monitoring/mapping …so litchi would make workflow much easier
Yes please


Autel Lite+
Yes, please