Bonjour à tous,
Litchi a-t-il prévu une prise en charge du Mavic 3 Pro (et du Mavic 2 Pro), et si oui un pilotage en double-commande est-il possible ?
Hello everyone,
Does Litchi support the Mavic 3 Pro (and Mavic 2 Pro), and if so, is dual control possible?
Best regards
Mavic 2 Pro , Yes
Mavic 3 Pro , No
Here is a list of supported models:
Merci beaucoup pour cette information
Can someone help On litchi with DJ mini 3 pro I have error Litchi FC_AUTH_STATE error
Litchi does not work with the Mini 3 Pro, you need the Litchi Pilot app:
Hello Yes I know but Litchi Pilot is very poor with functions Do we know when full API will be in Litchi to fully support DJI mini3 pro?
Litchi will NEVER support the Mini 3 series drones.