SDK Mavic 3 pro

Bonjour à tous,
Litchi a-t-il prévu une prise en charge du Mavic 3 Pro (et du Mavic 2 Pro), et si oui un pilotage en double-commande est-il possible ?
Hello everyone,
Does Litchi support the Mavic 3 Pro (and Mavic 2 Pro), and if so, is dual control possible?
Best regards

Mavic 2 Pro , Yes
Mavic 3 Pro , No

Here is a list of supported models:

Merci beaucoup pour cette information

Can someone help On litchi with DJ mini 3 pro I have error Litchi FC_AUTH_STATE error :frowning:

Litchi does not work with the Mini 3 Pro, you need the Litchi Pilot app:

Hello Yes I know but Litchi Pilot is very poor with functions :frowning: Do we know when full API will be in Litchi to fully support DJI mini3 pro?

Litchi will NEVER support the Mini 3 series drones.