Regularly mapping an area

Hi all

I currently use a Phantom 4 Pro at work, and have the DJI GS Pro software on an iPad for mission creation. We regularly fly over our gravel stockpiles and other sites, and use the photomap tool to fly the areas. Does Litchi have a similar option, or does it only work along a waypoint line?



For those people who are unfamiliar with DJI GS Pro, you might want to include a screen capture of the type of mission you are asking about.

If what you want is a mission in the shape of a grid for mapping purposes, Litchi does not provide that capability. However, there are a number of 3rd party applications that do provide that functionality.

The Virtual Litchi Mission application does provide a “Grid Mission” option. However, it is only a very basic mission without much flexibility.

A number of people use More details can be read in this thread:

Thanks. Yes, it’s a regular annual flight over a closed quarry to determine how much regrowth has occurred. In GS Pro, you draw the boundary of the area and set the flight parameters, then the software creates a flight path that allows for photo overlap so we can produce a single image of the area. We then can pull it into our GIS as separate layers for each year to see the changes.

It’s an important job, but not enough to warrant a monthly subscription to other apps. Unfortunately, our IT crowd have deemed Apple to be off limits, so I need to find an Android equivalent.

  • Thanks James. I’ll have a look at GWT.

