Waypoints -> Stop to take still photo

When programming the drone to take a photo every x seconds, I would like to have the option to stop before it takes the photo for reduced blur and rolling shutter distortion.

Add a “stay for” action at a waypoint.

For example:
wpt1 actions:
stay for 4s
take photo
stay for 4s

Adjust number of seconds to suit your needs.

You can also use a variation of the above for a mission where you want to capture video and photos in the same flight.

For example, four waypoints with POI in the center, waypoints focus on POI, fly around the POI capturing a photo at each wpt, video between the waypoints.

wpt1 actions:
stay for 4s
take photo
stay for 4s
start recording
stay for 2s

go to wpt2

wpt2 actions:
stop recording
stay for 4s
take photo
stay for 4s
start recording
stay for 2s

go to wpt3

wpt3 actions:
stop recording
stay for 4s
take photo
stay for 4s
start recording
stay for 2s

goto wpt4

wpt4 actions:
stop recording
stay for 4s
take photo
stay for 4s
start recording
stay for 2s

goto wpt1

stop recording


Just set the mission up as a straight line mission rather than a curved line mission

That would great for a mission that is just a straight line ;).

straight line missions fly straight lines between different waypoints, whereas curved line missions fly a curve between the waypoints, so never get to the actual waypoints (other than the first and last)

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Yup, i have some missions like that as well.

I’ve created straight line missions with my Mini 2 on IOS app and it does not perform all actions at waypoints. Not working as advertised. I’ve tried every scenario including stay for x seconds, take pic, start recording. It seems some happen and others don’t. Pics and recording seem to be the problem children. Litchi needs to improve this.

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I’ve lost faith in litchi

One question - to make my flight lean, what is the minimal stay for period, before, and after?

I would imagine:

  • Stay for 1s
  • Take photo
  • Stay for 2s

is sufficient? Reasoning being that during the first 1s stayfor, the drone is not trying to move.
Then, I can imagine getting a ‘take photo’ command is fine, but it might take longer than 1s to actually finish, especially with a HDR photo, so perhaps stay for 2s after? Or will the drone really only continue moving after the photo is properly taken?

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How much time to wait is going to vary depending on what the camera/drone are doing for example single shot, AEB, burst, etc… Have also experienced needing more wait time in the past when using an ios ipad mini vs droid phone (may have been an old bug or issue). Sometime to try is simply time how long your camera action (e.g. take a photo with different settings) takes, then add a second or two.