Waypoints heading

i’m new in litchi pilot and trying to learn some functions.
Using the “manual heading” mode (or auto, or initial mode) in settings, there is no way to define the heading of a waypoint (the slider is grayed out).
Maybe it would be helpful to control this option for every wp as it happens with the gimbal pitch, not only through the general settings, .

I’m designing the mission on my pc (vivaldi or chrome browser).
Thanks a lot!

Set it to custom if I remember rightly

That is correct. See the users manual to understand what those settings do. If you wish to use either a POI or explicitly specify the heading at a waypoint, you must use the “Custom” setting.

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Thanks for the answer.
So, if i understood correct, in the case of generally “look” to the poi’s and for some special points to head somewhere else:
First movement is set to “manual” mode (so it focus to the poi’s), second is set to custom mode (it keeps the previous poi’s heading) and turn just the individual waypoints i want to the direction i choose.
Is that the way?
I just propose for a next version, to have that control directly in the wp’s menu (not only through settings).

No, that is not correct. The “Manual” setting is for when you want to manually control the drone’s heading while the drone is flying a waypoint mission.

No, that is not correct. The “Custom” setting is for when you want to specify the heading at each waypoint, or use POIs to control the heading at each waypoint.