Unable to import saved CVS file in Google Earth Pro

I am unable to import saved missions in the CVS format. I was able to do this in previous years and the file would automatically open Google Earth and was able to view a virtual flight to ensure the mission ran smoothly. The CVS file now only opens an Excel file.

KML format is used by Google Earth when a Virtual Mission is imported to view in GE.

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Yes…I understand but the KML format does not allow you to fly the mission virtually. The CVS file export option does and I use to be able to do this with no issue and now when I export a CVS file, it opens an Excel spreadsheet. Why is this?

A CSV file is a file format that is often associated with Excel. Your file association for that format has been changed to “Open with Excel”.

Use the Virtual Litchi Mission desktop program (if you use Windows) to run your missions virtually.
See this thread on another forum.

The issue has been fixed due to your post. Thank You!

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To view a Virtual Mission in Google Earth, it needs to be imported as a KML file.

Associate .kml with Google Earth.
Double-click the exported kml-file.
Then double-click the “virtual mission” in your temporary places, the flight will start.
Deselecting “diagnostics” recommended.

You can even generate movies this way.

Best regards


Providing the same solution over and over again AFTER the issue has long been resolved, makes no sense.