Support for RTK

The new Litchi-Pilot app can operate with the Mavic3 Enterprise. This drone can be upgraded with a RTK Module, which signifcantly improves the positioning accuracy.

I would like to suggest, that an optional add-on for Litchi should be available, that allows the use of RTK for the professional Linieup of DJI‘s drones. For us, this feature would be very valuable and we are ready to pay a quite fair price to get it, if available.

May be other users are willing to support this suggestion, indicating for you, that there is sufficient market volume, to justify the cost of the development?

Hey Albrecht,

It is really great that you have mentioned this!
I am also looking forward to have the RTK function to be available in the Litchi Pilot App for using with M350 RTK.

I hope we see this soon. But do you have any other 3rd party app recommendations for waypoint missions to use with DJI Enterprise drones?

Many greetings.

We are operating a Mavic 3 Enterprise, with RTK-Extension. Basicaliy this could fly with the Litchi Beta, but without RTK.

Our workaround is to use the Litchi Mission hub, or in some cases an own program to create a Litchi-compatible Csv-file.

From there we convert the data into a kmz-file. At least with the Mavic 3 Enterprise, it is possible to import kmz-files as a flight plan. The conversion can be done either with Wes Barry‘s Litchi-utilities, or in our case with our own (unfortunately not complete or in any way perfect) Converter.

I don‘t know, wether te Matrix 350 allows the import of kmz files as flight plans, nor, what kind of data structure is required, if yes.

In our case, we defined manually several different flight plans on the controller. As the controller stores tthem internally in a kmz format, we could learn, what should be contained there. This is ,however, unfortunatly not the same for different dji drones. So the „converter“ has to be adapted to the „target“ drone.
The advantage of this approach is, that the flight plan can comfortably be set up via Litchi. But the Flight itself takes place under the Original dji controller, thus being able to use RTK.

Are you using RTK with a base station, or connecting to a RTK network?

We definitely want to add RTK support at some point hopefully soon

Wa are using a network based RTK. (German „Sapos“, distributed on the Web).