Simbolo AFC lado esquerdo no alto AIR 2S

Por favor amigos, sendo esta a 1ª vez que uso Litchi no meu AIR 2S recém adquirido (antes usava Mini 2) e na tela apareceu um simbolo verde AFC, poderiam me explicar do que se trata?
Grato pela atenção, se cuidem, bons vôos, fiquem com Deus.

For drones that support AFC (Auto Focus Continous):
While recoding video there are 3 ways to focus:
1.Manual Focus (MF)
2.Auto Focus (AF)
3.Auto Focus Continous (AFC)

With (AF) the camera only performs an autofocus after starting up the drone and at the moment you hit the record-button.

With (AFC) the camera also performs an autofocus whenever the drone is not moving for a moment.
A negative side effect of (AFC) is that a Waypoint Action ‘Take Photo’ will be ignored if at the same time the camera is focussing.
Another negative side effect is that it will be clearly visible when the camere is refocussing during video recording.


Thank you very much, I learned, take care, good flights.:hugs::pray:t2:

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