Salve ragazzi era un po’ di tempo che non riutilizzavo il drone mini 2 sono entrato su Litchi per creare una missione Hub ma ho notato che dopo aver creato la missione con punto poi da visualizzare quando lancio Heart Pro non viene repliacata la missione creata .Prima veniva dettagliata e visualizzata punto per punto ora non si visulizza piu’ avete lo stesso problema ?
Perhaps you will need to rephrase your question. A translation of your post was incomprehensible.
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Previously in Google Heart Pro it showed me the virtual toor with the gimbal settings and points of interest… now after creating with litchi I go to load the Kml file it no longer plays the virtual toor… why?
The Virtual Tour is created by:
- Making sure you have the VLM extension added to your browser
- Clicking the ‘Export as VLM’ option (not the Export as KML 3D Path)
This creates the .KML file that is then opened in Google Earth Pro.
Or, use the desktop Virtual Litchi Mission program.
Export to VLM enters Google Heart now but the virtual tool no longer starts, the created simulation does not appear in the options
solved it was an internal setting problem inside Heart thanks anyway