Newbie…I can easily setup an Orbit from my Litchi app either on my android phone or my ipad. I was on my laptop trying to preplan a mission for an upcoming job and can’t see the same functions as the app? What gives? Why not?
This feature is not currently available, we have moved your post to the feature request and be submitted to the community vote.
PLEASE PLEASE make this happen asap!!
I would also like to do an orbit with pictures not video. Basiclly the setup would be like
- width of the circle.
- number of waypoints
So basically I am something that would let me setup a cardnal points mission. I want 8 pictures of a building a N, NW, W, SW etc… This is a VERY common mission for inspections and so far I have found no application that will do this easly.
Create such a mission in litchi. What’s stopping you?
Okay, How would you do it?
Show on the map where you want to take a photo.
You are missing the point. I can draw a way point mission with 8 points too. What I would like is an orbit mission where I can define all that stuff easier, and having that option in Mission hub would be nice.
If your problem is not clear, how to solve it. An orbit is a rotation around a single object. An orbit is always moving at a speed
I know of no “easy” way to do that. I have created software that works with Litchi to create spiral missions using Google Earth. I think it is easy but it is not made to do exactly what you are asking.
take a manual photo by looking at the screen where the drone is currently located. Or set a timer that will take a photo in time intervals, then choose a photo.
Voici ce que j’aurais réalisé si je devais faire 8 photos pour l’inspection d’un bâtiment.
Exemple Litchi