I can’t find any updates who solves the possibiltity to assign actions to the programmable buttons. Since over one year i’m waiting to have this option for our “roe fawn rescue”. I only have configured fixed
“C1” → “hold/go-on” Mission
“C2” → “Set a POI”
but this and other buttons are not configurabel individually.
Why is Litchi-Pilot still in BETA? Is this project “on-ice”?
No update and news since Juli 2023 ?
Equipment DJI-M3T, DJI RC-PRO
Yesterday, after a longer time of inactivity with my drone, i activated my RC-Pro Transmitter for my M3T-Drone and waited for an update of the Litchi-Pilot version. I have still BETA-Build 380 since long time. Then i saw on this forum, that no new&updates since verry long time are made. No official Version, still BETA?
It seems, Litchi-Pilot Project “is on ice” is n’t it? I like to know, what’s going on or if i have to change my procedure for the “fawn rescue” to an other system.
Before, i was so happy with Litchy, but after changing the equipment to M3T, only disappointed and flying with work arounds.
We are currently working on Hub 2.0 and hope to release it very soon
Custom buttons will be added at a later stage, it is not the priority currently