Older DJI flight log for waypoints

HI folks I have listed in DJI’s DJIfly app logs that I’m interested in turning into a waypoint mission in Litchi. these are from a Mini2, I see links on her to various log viewers and it’s not clear to me exactly which one to use to accomplish this, also I’m having a hard time actually finding the logs in question on my android phone but they must be there because the flights are listed and I can look at them in the app.

Edit i have all my flight logs now. Just need the rest

You can use my “AirData to Litchi” converter found here:

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Perfect! I’ll give that a try. Thanks

That worked great and I have all my logs except the last few weeks didn’t sync i’m not sure why. I see in airdata there is a page that shows the log with all the camera actions like “take photo” and start/stop recording" recording. is there a way to have those commands export and show over in to litchi mission hub?

My AidData conversion utility does not make use of those columns. However, I think there is an easy way for you to do this yourself. Here are the steps I would follow:

  1. Export the CSV file from AirData.
  2. Open the CSV file in Excel.
  3. Filter the “isPhoto” column for values of 0 (zero).
  4. Select all of those rows and delete them.
  5. Save the CSV file. This should result in only rows where a photo was taken.
  6. Use my AirData to Litchi converter to create a mission of those points where a photo was taken.

I have not tried this myself but the steps I outlined should get you close.

That looks like it would work. I see the log calls PANO for the spherical pano’s I took, and I think it’ll also give me the angles and headings to recreate those shots so I can stitch them manually later. 23 shots per pano I think it is.

Since this conversation I have reworked my AirData to Litchi converter. It now allows you to capture parts of the log file where photos were captured, where video was recorded, and where waypoints were flown. You will find the converter in the same place, here;

That would be helpful for sure. your suggestion did work fine though I was successful with it. I needed to recreate a sphere pano I had done previously from the same POV. litchis 360 pano function gives unexpected results so I ran the WP mission and just switched in and out of Lichi and DJI fly to shoot the sphere photos. One thing though when you have a Flight record that has these panos you end up with a new waypoint for every image and the new mission won’t run if you didn;t delete all the ones that didn;t have enough space between them I think I make have not had the right settings when making the new file