Whenever using waypoints I get a blank screen in the corner where live video transmission should be. Sometimes it comes back after powering the drone off and switching the battery and when it does its very laggy even though the app shows video signal is 100%.
I have had this problem for a while now but I thought it was happening because the drone was in CE mode however recently I switched to flying in FCC mode and the problem is still there.
Is anybody else having a similar problem or possibly a solution?
Red this thread, same “problem”
Juste une suggestion: Vérifier que le wi-Fi est désactivé. Le signal Wi-Fi du smartphone ne fait pas bon ménage avec la transmission.
My ipad was in airplane mode so wifi had nothing to do with it
Autre suggestion, regarder du coté du cable reliant la commande au smartphone/tablette, J’ai déjà eu des coupures du retour vidéo, l’état du cable en était la cause. Très important, si vous devez le remplacer, n’hésitez pas à choisir la qualité, même si cela a un prix plus élevé.