New phone, forgot log in details, I still have logged in app on old phone, can I see the login details or at least the email address used somewhere in the old app?

New phone, forgot log in details for the App.
I still have a logged in App on the old phone, can I see the login details, or at least the email address used, somewhere in the old app?

If you are still logged in on the Mission Hub, you can go to your ACCOUNT and see the email address that is used.

Thanks for the quick reply.
What is the “Mission Hub”?

It looks like I might have cracked the problem, I used the login details for this forum and it looks like the app is logged in.
I am a bit puzzled as to how ‘it’ thinks the email address used to login here is the correct email address since no ’ login reminder’ was sent to this email address.
Is there a flaw in the ‘send login reminder’ system?

It’s the web app that you use to plan your missions with

Ah, thanks, not done a preplanned fight, so it probably doesn’t exist on my old app.

The Litchi app and Litchi’s Mission Hub are two different things that both use the same login credentials. I don’t believe there is a way to see your email address in the Litchi app (I don’t see it in the IOS version). However, you can see it in Litchi’s Mission Hub (or the Litchi home page). Just click on the “down arrow” next to your username at the top of the screen. This will then show your account information including your email address used to log in.

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