Mission hub web application?

Good morning. I’ve been using the mission hub web application and keep getting these yellow warnings when I go to export it to Google Earth pro: “distance between smoothed WPS at waypoint number is less than 1 m and may cause problems.”
What problem do they foresee with these waypoints?

A waypoint mission with a 3d distance less than 1m between 2 waypoints will NOT run in Litchi.

Okay I guess I don’t see where I have less than one meter of 3D distance between waypoints that they list. Please see the attached pictures.

The red reports relate to 3 of the 406 waypoints after Curve Smoothing & Infill, whatever that may be.

Okay I didn’t see that and now I am not understanding why it shows so many waypoints (406) when there’s only 25 points on my mission.

They are only used in Google Earth to simulate the flight.

Okay thank you. That must be the vertical pink lines that follow the line of travel.

When exporting a mission which has curved turns from Virtual Litchi Mission to Google Earth Pro, the curved portions of the path are simulated by the addition of a large number of short straight lines. Therefore, a 25-waypoint Litchi Mission can become a 406 line segment path in Google Earth Pro. If you are simply using Google Earth Pro to visualize your mission, you may safely ignore these warnings about the distance being less than 1 m. It would only become a problem if you were to save the Google Earth Pro path as a KML file and then re-import that back into Litchi. Doing so, would result in a 406 waypoint mission with some very short distances between waypoints.

Thanks for that explanation. Kinda guessed that’s the case. I won’t consider importing into Litchi from GE. That would be too much. Lol
I appreciate y’all’s attention to “all” posters.