Mini 2 - Grid mission Litchi with more than 250 waypoints with battery replacement during mission

Using a translator;
I created a new .csv file with 2 .csv files generated by the mission grid of Litchi with Excel in order to get a route of more than 250 waypoints.
Litchi is always wrong about the estimate of the duration of the mission that must at least multiply by 2 to be more realistic.
I only once practiced this maneuver, that of putting the Litchi mission on “pause” , RTH for the battery replacement and I wanted to resume the mission there where it had stopped but the Mini 2 went back to the waypoint of the beginning of the mission, something that does not happen with Dronelink.
Is it normal ? Is the triggering of RHT that stopped everything ??? I will have to do other tests but the weather is not favorable at the moment. If you with ideas … Thank you.

When you start a Litchi mission, you are prompted to enter the starting waypoint number.
You can change that and start your mission from the last completed waypoint.

I have never seen such a proposal of choice of the starting waypoint on my smartphone screen.The mission always starts with the WP n° 1.
Is this a peculiarity of the Mini 2 ? Do you have a screenshot of this proposal of starting choice other than the WP n° 1?
Thanks very much.

Works for any drone compatible with Litchi/Litchi Pilot and is VERY HARD TO MISS.

thank you for answering me. I also just discovered this possibility. I used to press “GO” without reading what was underneath…

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And for those who use the iOS version of Litchi, the Start Mission screen looks a bit different.
Tap the number under the ‘Start From Waypoint’ prompt, the keyboard screen pops up, type in the waypoint number of your choosing, then Start Now.