Mavic 2 with Litchi...possible to check RPM somehow?


On the factory controller, Mavic 2 show the current RPM.
Possible to make visible RPM data somehow in Litchi?



A quadcopter’s four separate engines’ RPM readouts vary independently of each other while also fluctuating as a function of airspeed and on whether a drone is hovering, turning, in forward flight, or backing up.

Individual engine RPM data is no doubt recorded on board a Mavic 2 Pro as a component of the drone’s flight logs, but it is doubtful whether the Go4 (For Mavics) SDK made available to Litchi by DJI allows for a real-time engine RPM readout to be displayed on the Litchi app screen as the drone flies.

Honestly not know it, but the remote controller has the information.