Камера Matrice 200

Добрый день. Подскажите как включить стандартную камеру (fpv), при включении дрона Matrice 200 темный экран, только внизу карта? Камера не подтягивается, которая втроена как курсовая

M200 is not officially supported
Try to play with following Litchi settings:

  • Display Secondary Video Feed: Enables showing the secondary video feed. Only for drones which have more than one camera.
  • Primary Video Feed Source: Select which camera will be the primary video feed. Only for drones which have more than one camera. Android only.
  • Secondary Video Feed Source: Select which camera will be the secondary video feed. Only for drones which have more than one camera. Android only.
  • Lightbridge 2 Video Source: For Lightbridge 2 drones only. Select the video source that will be displayed in the app.