Lost license for an app purchased in Oct 2022

Hi, I purchased the litchi app in Oct 2022. I just launched it after not using it for a while and now get the message that I have no valid license. How can I solve this ? any place wher I can find the license ? and then where do I use it ?

PS:Same phone as when I purchased the app.

Welcome @J.DROUHIN ,

If you are using the same login credentials (login name and password), then try this:
On the Litchi app, under Settings … scroll down until you see
Check and Sync License : Tap to synchronize your Litchi app’s paid license with your Litchi account.

Unfortunately, as soon as I launch the app, I am stuck with either leaving the app or purchasing a new license. I can’t get to the menus you mention.

Frurstrating. I uninstalled the app. How do I install it fresh without paying again ?

If you are using the same login ID (Android or IOS) then you shouldn’t be asked to purchase it again.
Make sure you are using the same login, as when you purchased it in Oct 2022.

From the Litchi Help FAQ:

10. I purchased the app on one device, can I install it on other devices?

You can install the app on as many devices as you want as long as they use the same platform and the same “main” account (Google, Apple or Amazon) that was used for the original purchase. If you wish to use Litchi on two or more platforms you will need to purchase it on each one.

I always had only one google account on my phone so I don’t think that is the issue. My pixel has a feature I just discovered which cleans up things for apps not used in the past 3 months. No idea what it does related to this problem but in any case I uninstalled the app.
I do have 2 google accounts on my PC.
I could find the mail from google with the order number. Can that be of any help at least to find out more details ?

That info could help, when you email the support team. It might even help to provide a screenshot of the message you get when you try to launch Litchi.


Provide them with your info (Login, phone model & OS) and they can guide you.

OK, will do.
Thank you.