Litchi Pilot and Waypoints mini3pro

I fly DJI Mini3pro in the following configuration:
Litchi Pilot 312, Mini3pro+RCN1+Samsung Tab9:).
Drone software 01.00.0700, RCN software 04.14.0700.
Route 5 points + 1 POI - filming:
Flying with landmarks + filming OK. It starts automatically and flies to point 1, and then to 2,3,4,5. Performs RTH. Does not respond to commands at the Stay For point :frowning:
Waypoints + filming, no Stay For problem on waypoints, Curve =0.

Route 5 points + 1 POI - photos
Problem: route with points + photos - does not execute commands at the point:
Stay on time
Take a picture
The drone takes a photo at point 1 and flies to the next point, it does not stop and takes a photo.
note: Curve = 0

You likely have Path Mode set to Curved Turns in the Mission Settings.
Waypoint actions are ignored when set to Curved Turns.
Change it to Straight Lines.


Missions used to capture video generally have the “Path Mode” set to “Curved Turns” in which case, all waypoint actions are ignored even if you set the “Curve Size” to zero.

Missions used to capture photos generally should have the “Path Mode” set to “Straight Lines” which allows waypoint actions to be executed. It is not enough to simply set the “Curve Size” to zero.

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Thank you :slight_smile: It’s working now. Path Mode->Straight Lines in SETTINGS is decisive. In the first photo, the drone did not tilt the gimbal at POI1. After point 5, RTH occurred. OK :slight_smile:
Flight from point 1 without stopping, gimbal looks at POI1 - OK.
Do you suggest adding technical point 1 and starting photography from point 2?

Thank you :slight_smile: It’s working now. Path Mode->Straight Lines in SETTINGS is decisive! :slight_smile:

Yes! WP1 is problematic. The drone only begins to orient itself at WP1 and therefore does not always point directly where you want it. Use an extra waypoint at the beginning.

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