Litchi Mission to DJI Mission Coversion: Undefined Offset Error when the Above Groud option is Unchecked


This is to let you know that, using the extremely helpful and precious program defined by Wes Barris, to convert a Litchi Mission to a DJI Waypoint Mission I have got the following error: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/wesbarri/ on line 593

The message is repeated on several lines. Unfortunately, although the conversion process ends-up apparently with no further issues, when I try to run the mission from the RC2 controlled in the field, the mission starts but in facts the drone keeps hovering and does not follow the waypoints/POIs, no error message is provided.
I have tried to understand the problem and that is likely related to the “Above Ground” CheckBox as defined for each waypoint in Litchi: When the option on each waypoint is checked then no undefined offset error is given and the coversion goes fine. When the Above Ground checkbox is unchecked and the height for each waypoint is defined in absolute values (i.e. NO above grounds height) then I get the error message again and the mission is not usable in the DJI app.

Any thoughts to confirm my observations and ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated !


For those of you following along, Diego contacted me directly and this issue has been fixed. The problem was a use case that I previously did not handle. Diego’s mission used the “Above Ground” option on POIs but no waypoints. This use case is now handled properly.

Wes has been extremely helpful as always: he has fixed the issue in a couple of hours. I have been able to test the same mission with the Above Grounds Height chebox unchecked for all WPs (while that option has been checked for all POIs) and now the mission has been flown flawlessly. Wes has not mentioned that, but he has also defined a fail safe system so that in case of inconsistencies the system will force you to define the Above Ground height at least for WP1 (that is sometimes required).

Again, would like to take advantage of this messge to thank Wes for all his wonderful work on this and the never-ending support he offers.


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