Litchi and DJI Servers?

What does it mean when Litchi “registers with DJI servers”. Does this mean every time a person starts Litchi, and connects to a drone, that DJI receives information on the owner, what drone, serial number, flight information,?

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The first time the app is initialized after installation, the app connects to a DJI Server through the internet to verify the Application Key. The request will include the following information:

  • App key
  • Bundle ID
  • Device UUID generated from hashed mobile device ID (getDeviceID ), hashed SIM serial number (getSIMSerialNumber ) and hashed ANDROID ID (Secure.ANDROID_ID ). If READ_PHONE_STATE permission is not permitted, a random UUID is generated.
  • System platform, version and name
  • UUID generated by platform’s API ([UIDevice )
  • Mobile device model
  • Internet related feature initialisation.
    Subsequent app starts will use locally cached verification information to register the app when the cached information is still valid.
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Thanks Vico,
So, from your reply a person can take that no personal information is shared? With the US slapping DJI on the hand due to national security/ human rights concerns, I thought the question regarding type of information shared was appropriate.

Thank you!