Kalibratie remote phantom 3

Bij deze heb ik een probleem met de remote van de phantom 3 pro.
Telkens ik deze opstart geeft deze alarm kalibratie van de remote en kan ik dus totaal niks doen.
Ik moet dan via de applicatie van DJI zelf kalibreren alvorens ik zonder tuutend geluid toch weer kan overschakelen op Litchi.
Deze kalibratie gebeurt op een ander toestel om geen komplicatie te hebben met de APP
Weet er soms iemand of de remote via de app van litchi ook kan worden gekalibreerd?

Google Translate:

I have a problem with the remote of the phantom 3 pro.
Every time I start this it gives alarm calibration of the remote and I can do absolutely nothing.
I then have to calibrate myself via the DJI application before I can switch back to Litchi without tumbling sound.
This calibration is done on another device so as not to have any complications with the APP
Does anyone know if the remote can also be calibrated via the litchi app?

You can’t calibrate the remote via the litchi app.

You can however install both the DJI Go and litchi app on the same device, just force close the used app before you open the other.

A common cause for the need to calibrate the remote is when one or both sticks are not in the neutral position (during storing).

Try moving both sticks all the way around, like you would during calibrating, then check if they are in neutral position before you turn on the controller.

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