iphone/Litchi announcement voice

New Litchi user and lifetime Android user here , now using an iphone 11 (IOS 18.1.1) , how do I change the announcement voice on the iphone for use in Litchi as in “the homepoint has been updated please check it on the map” …I have no Earthly idea as to how the Apple ecosystem works… cheers for you patience here peeps… :slight_smile:

This doesn’t answer your question but if voice preferences were selectable for the Litchi waypoint flight status announcements, the voices I’d like to hear in order preference would be as follows.

(1) Rod Serling
(2) Howard Cosell
(3) Snoop Dog
(4) Rodney Dangerfield
(5) Boris Johnson

I am a long-time iOS user. While I have never tried to change the “Home point has been updated…” voice, I do know how to change the spoken voice for iOS apps. Try this:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Scroll down and select “Siri”.
  3. Select “Language”.
  4. Choose one of options other than what is currently selected.

I don’t know if this will work for that Litchi message but it does work for the spoken map directions.

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cheers…will give it a try and get the drone out when this bloody crappy weather improves…