Chris… I did not know that, thanks.
So, to move things on a bit, I created two waypoint missions that circled my house, one square (no curves at waypoints, and one that used curves to simulate a circular path, at least for 3/4 of the route. I ran each at three speeds: 1.4, 2.8 and 3.6 Meters/Sec. All were done at 30 M altitude. All were focused at the center of the house at 2 M altitude for the entire route. The square was 45 M on a side, and the circular part of the curved path was 28 M radius of curvature. I used 1920X1080 at 60 frames/sec, because my 4K TV upscales beautifully. Yaw rates for these six missions ranged from 2.8 to 9.2 Deg/Sec, by calculation.
I got unexpected results for the circular missions: The slowest speed looked the worst, followed by the fastest, with the medium speed looking the best. My wife was the judge, and I concurred.
For the square missions, slow was best, followed by medium, followed by fastest.
But I must say, 5 of 6 missions looked pretty darn good, with that slow circle having very apparent yaw jerks. We got to remember I’m talking about a Mini 2, the lowest price DJI drone, I believe. Be glad to post these if anyone has an interest (learning for me, because I’ve never done that.
I don’t understand why you stupidly decided that there is no built-in gps module on a 2019 smartphone.
And bpa, lighten up dude. Read carefully: I said iPAD, not iPHONE, and I stand by my statements.