How to connect to my drone connection

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Connecting app to phantom 3 standard

Read the Online User Guide:

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I own a Phantom 3 Standard and a Phantom 3 Pro, both of which I operate with Litchi exclusively. If you intend to fly manually, connecting your Phantom 3 Standard to Litchi is as simple as opening the Litchi app on your phone, and powering up the drone to launch it.

It is always good practice to calibrate the drone’s IMU and compass if it hasn’t been flown in a while or if it has been moved to a new location since it was last flown.

If you intend to fly previously saved waypoint missions using Litchi, then you will need to have created and saved one or more waypoint missions with the free Litchi Mission Hub flight planner on your desktop or laptop.

Next, while within unobstructed WiFi range of the laptop, you then switch on the smart device you intend to use in flying drones, into which you will have previously installed the $25 Litchi app. The waypoint missions you created with Litchi Mission Hub will then automatically copy to your smart device. Set the Phantom’s mode switch to the “F” mode for waypoint flying missions, but leave that switch in “P” mode for manual flying.

Now you are ready to fly waypoint missions anywhere with no further need for WiFi connectivity to the internet.