Grid Photogrammetry simplest Waypoint Tool


has development given up on this grid waypoint tool?

Hello, Iā€™ve found this tool incredibly helpful so have forked the original github repository and have created a new github deployment as it seems that the original work of this has slowed.

I am not a coder, but a dabblerā€¦ so please feel free to post or support with some updated code and suggestions and I will TRY to help!

my intention of forking this GREAT work was just to add more camera profiles to the drop down list, as I have a few dji drones that are not listed. I have added the Mini 3 Pro as a starting point (the information actually came from another github fork but that user did not do a deployment so the additional camera info could not be used)

I am happy to TRY to take on board your suggestions.

My intention is just to use this for mapping / photogrammetry missions via the litchi pilot app for Mini 3 Pro + Mavic 3 Pro I have an possibly a Mavic 3 Enterprise Thermal I am looking toward getting.

enjoy and hope you use it as much as I do or have, just with the new(er) cameras added.

Interesting initiative @robertspark .
One thing I missed was Map Type Satellite, I donā€™t know if itā€™s on your list of improvements, and the current location.
Great initiative @afbayonac as much as yours @robertspark .

updated the grid photogrammetry tool with additional DJI drone cameras, and also added a search box + button so you can type in the location of your choosing.

the map and satellite view button is not working yet (well it has been actually, but its not at the moment as I was not happy about the quality of the saetllite viewā€¦ the problem is really that there is no ā€œfreeā€ satellite imagery so if needs to come from a supplier, and those that are free datasets are not of good quality (in my opinion) so the use of openmaps map is actually better.

Consider this as work in progress.

I also wish to add a map / plot clear button as this is only possible (from what I can see) from refreshing the tool.

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