From RC2 Controller to Litchi


I have created a flight route on DJI Controller RC2, how can I transfer it to Litchi?

I found a KMZ file under Waypoint on the controller, which I can also transfer to Litchi, but the route is faulty. So I converted the KMZ file into a ZIP file, found another KMZ file there and then imported it into Litchi. That worked, but the elevations are all wrong, they are all at 30m and there are no POIs. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for help and nice greetings from Germany


You could use the “DJI to Litchi Waypoint Converter” found here:

The route is not faulty. A DJI KMZ file is completely incompatible with Litchi.

A KMZ file is a compressed archive containing two files:

  • template.kml
  • waylints.wpml

Neither of these is compatible with Litchi. Instead, they contain XML code with WPML tags.

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Thank you, friend! It worked now :slight_smile: I am still learning :blush: