Error: failed parsing kml file - Import Mission Hub


I am trying to import KML to Mission Hub, I have done the same process successfully in the past and the file looks good in Google Earth, but I am getting “Error: failed parsing kml file” when importing today. It is a simple series of points, KMZ was created in GIS software, opened in Google Earth and saved as KML.
Here is a sample file:

Thanks for the help!

Your KML document is named “E1”. It also contains a folder named “E1”. Inside that folder are a series of Placemarks with Points. Each Placemark also contains embedded HTML code.

When imported into Google Earth Pro, expand the top-level “E1” to reveal the folder named “E1”. Right-click on the “E1” Folder and choose “Save Place As…”. Once saved as a KML file, it will be importable into Litchi.

Apparently, Litchi is unable to traverse through folders in the KML file.

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That did it! Thank you very much.