Does litchi support the Mini 2 4K?

Does litchi support the Mini 2 4K?

if you mean the new Mini 4K ( it doesn’t have 2 in its name) then the answer is no as it hasn’t been added to an SDK, the original Mini2 which has a 4K camera is supported

thank you very much for your response

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Hi, I just got a mini 4k and litchi, Flys ok but no video, says signal lost and aircraft not connected to RC. New to drones only got on Saturday so porbably doing something wrong, all ok on DJI Fly Tutorial.

Mini 4K is not compatible with Litchi or any other 3rd party software, for the reasons mentioned both in this thread and others

Thanks for quick reply, I browsed after posting and realised that it was not workable. do you know if i can get a refund?

Thanks for help, I will give it a try.