the DJI Cruise Control is an autopilot feature that let you set the control sticks on the DJI remote controller the way you want to fly and then when you activate the cruise controler of the drone will continue fly accoring to how the ticks on the remote was whenever you eneblade the crusie controller.
not available on mini 2 and others, would be a nice feature in litchi
Using the Litchi Mission Hub, the cruise speed is user-configurable, such that the assigned airspeed will be maintained throughout a waypoint mission even if signal connectivity to the RC controller is lost. Unless I am mistaken and things have changed, cruise speed cannot be set to different values at various waypoints making up a Litchi mission flight plan.
If the cruise control to which you refer is one whose operation is similar to that of the Mavic 3 and Air 3 that can be likened to the auto-thrust of a Boeing airliner that can be toggled on or off while “hand-flying” the drone, such a capability may in the future be offered by Litchi, even if it isn’t on the drawing board at the moment.
It’s a feature that is only available for a few newer models. It’s built into the hardware/ firmware of those models and not a Litchi programmable feature.
Yes but it would be a nice feature to see, it’s not a hardware feature, because all it does is maintain the direction and viewing angle that you’re flying when you press the button and then lets you focus on other inputs and allows you to alter direction, speed yaw, gimbal direction and zoom while moving without having to have amazing dexterity.
It shouldn’t be too hard to add as a software feature to lichi and add the feature to all lichi compatible models.