Copy waypoint details from one mission to another?

I have created & flown several missions to fly around my rural property to take photos. I would like to collect the details for the best photos into a single mission. Each one is thoroughly tested for lat/long, altitude heading, and gimbal pitch. Is there any way to copy a given waypoint so it can then be pasted into a different mission?

Alternatively, are there any tools that could use the consolidated data points (maybe from Excel?) and generate what would be needed to create a mission in the Mission Hub?

I have managed to do some of this manually by getting the picture’s data from AirData, then entering it in the dialog for a waypoint in Litchi’s Mission Hub.

You can by exporting one or multiple mission(s) as CSV file(s), manipulate them in excel or a plain text editor, then import the result as a new mission in the mission hub.

The first line of a CSV-file is the header line and is the same for each CSV-file.
Every other line represents 1 waypoint.
So you can mix, reorder, copy, delete, etc. waypoints as you like.

(Do a search for “CSV” in this forum)


Good to know; thanks! The CSV header labels are a bit obscure, and took a bit of testing to figure out what the values meant. For other people’s reference, here are some of the ones I needed. The POI lat/long/alt values apparently get hardwired in for the CSV.

Litchi mission exported CSV file headers and parameters

Action types & parameters (pairs from 1 through 15; no action default is -1,0 for each pair)
-1 = no action (param=0)
0 = stay (param is 0.001 sec; so 3000 is 3 sec)
1 = take photo (param =0)
2 = start recording (param=0)
3 = stop recording (param=0)
4 = rotate aircraft (param=degrees, where 0=N so -30 will be 330 and 90 will be east)
5 = tilt camera (gimbal; param=degrees)

Rotation direction (rotationdir)
0 = clockwise
1 = counterclockwise

Gimbal mode (gimbalmode) — Gimbal pitch angle (gimbalpitchangle)
0 = Disabled — 0=no POI
1 = Focus POI — minus value to -90 derived from relative altitude to POI
2 = Interpolate — set angle to -90

Heading (heading(deg))
0 = north
90 = east
180 = south
270 = west

You can find them at the end of each waypoint that uses a POI:

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Thanks @TriBar. I did see that, but my explanation was vague.

By “hard wired” I meant that the actual lat/long/alt values for the POI were included in the CSV line (i.e. rather than a reference to the POI #). This makes sense, but means that if I alter the POI location, I need to edit every CSV line that used the original values. Not a big deal of course, but something to keep in mind…