I’m very apprehensive to even post on this site any longer, But thought I’d share that removing the 129 and installing the 135 has let me Fly a waypoint mission on the Mini 3 non pro Finally.
I had given up on Litchi Pilot some time back but then just received an email for the Fire Base 135.
Don’t know what was manipulated but my system now mostly works. When I say Mostly, I mean when you click the mission folder and you are taken to the mission selection screen, If I mutli-tap like an animal it will return to the map screen with a PLAY/RUN button on the screen now.
This is the Only app that gives me problems on my given hardware, But it flies now.
This was a bit of curiosity more than anything because the Wife saw the problems of before and Bought me a Drone with map ability built in. It’s nice but lacks a mission Hub way of doing things.
Anyway, enough Ramble.