Altitude information above ground during Flight

We only have the altitude information relative to HP. It would be important to have altitude information on Litchi App, relative to ground on each time.

Retired airline pilot. Need advice using M2EA for missions eventually for S&R on hiking trails in mountainous terrain. Elevation can change 2,000 feet from takeoff on a mission. Flight Director/Attitude Indicator with Radar Altimeter or GPS Terrain Data Base be a great aid to a pilot for Terrain Avoidance. Would also aid in flying back in atti mode to takeoff point with loss of signal. Crash or flyaway, cost to much in investment and lost time. Not to mention lives. Flight Director would solve aircraft orientation with reference to flight controls. Also advice on reliable software package for preflight planning through post flight and data analysis in the field (M2EA). Regards and Thanks

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Using ultrasonic on Mavic Pro and Infrared on some of the newer models, the exact position above the terrain is possible up to 30 feet on the Mavic Pro, (not sure how high, but even higher on the newer birds) but none of this has anything to do with Litchi. Waypoint flights and Follow Me flights and Magic Leash flights can make allowances for the terrain using the GPS and barometer on the device being followed, but you need to put in the extra height for obstacles like trees and buildings yourself. So you could program SAR grids or any flight to follow the terrain up to 1,640 feet above the take off point. Here is an example below. This is 100 percent Litchi following the terrain in this video. The birds that fly on DJI Go and Go4 can all load the waypoints on board and fly the mission even after signal loss, the newer ones cannot. A radar altimeter would be great, but again, that is the manufacturer’s wheelhouse, not Litchi’s. Autumn Foliage Saco River Mt Langdon Tour - YouTube

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Excellent information, thank you for taking the time. Exactly what I’m looking for. Helps organize my procedures.

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Yes. I know. Great vĂ­deo.