Air 2S Firmware 2022-10-26 Error

Thanks, I’ll definitely try that.

FYI; there was another firmware update this morning. It did not fix the issue.

I just confirmed that too Jason, UGH! At least the workaround works in Litchi.

I am still having the same problem with not being able to take of as stated in JasonArizona post. I have gimble control and access to all the program settings. I just cant take off using Litchi. I see and error code of 180. My DJI fly app works well. I fly with the standard controller and tripltek tablet. no problems until the upgrade to DJI firmware. Any ideas are welcome

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There is a new beta version on android/ios which should fix this issue

Thanks Steve! I am using a tripltek T82 as my display and it is running android 10. When I try to update it, it says I am current. I will contact tripltek and let you know what they say.

Mostly bad news from DJI. I hope the Litchi developers see DJI devs response concerning the inability to take off with the Air 2s.

  1. I am sorry to tell you that currently we have no plan to support Mavic 3. We strongly suggest you consider Mavic 3 Enterprise as it supports waypointMission and MSDK which can be supported by 3rd party software.

  2. For the latest firmware, we intergrate the RID in and it will affect the USA pilots. If you are using 3rd party add, you have to ask them so use the latest iOS MSDK 4.16.2 or Android MSDK 4.16.3, the earilier MSDK version will prevent the aircraft to take off. Another temporary solution is use the latest DJI FLY app to tak off first and then switch to your 3rd party software to fly.


I’m glad we have a solid idea of the problem. @jagair Thanks for posting their response to your queries. Hopefully Litchi’s development team is considering updating Litchi to use the latest API.


I found how to register as a beta tester, and did so. I have to install from the Amazon App store on my RC Pro. Can I get the beta version there? I can also use it on an iPad. I can’t find the beta there either.

Thanks Jason, I hope the Litchi Dev Team starts working on this also.

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Beta won’t be available though Amazon. Installed on iDevice and Android through TestFlight. Instructions are provided when you are accepted to the beta test program. They have addressed the dji issue in the current beta.

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Just email vico and they’ll give you a link.

Is there any progress on this issue? I still can not take off to fly waypoint missions.

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I just flew this morning by taking off in DJI Fly and switching over to Litchi. Worked fine. And, as soon as I landed afterwards, I got the same error immediately. It’s really just take-off that’s prevented.

Thanks for the info and trying out the solution. I have a 1000 acre construction project and need to do the monthly run and comparison report this week and I was in somewhat of a panic. Guess I need to look for a non-dji back up plan. Once again, Thanks for you help and if I can help you, let me know


I just finished a test flight of the latest beta for Android. I was able to take off, plot and fly a waypoint mission, shoot a panorama, and return to an updated home point with no errors.

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I was just prompted to update Litchi on my android. I won’t be able to test takeoff until this evening. Patch notes specifically say fixed Air 2S takeoff bug. Anyone able to verify? Great news in time for the weekend.

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It works! I was able to do a quick mission. Takeoff was fine and I saw no issues. Thanks for fixing the issue. If someone can confirm for Apple iPhone, we can consider this a closed issue.

Same here. Flew an orbit mission from liftoff in Litchi on iPhone this morning.


Thanks for the fix and all the support! this is a great forum