About Settings !!

I mostly fly Waypoint missions and prepare them in Mission Hub on my PC. A couple of things _

Is the “Settings” page preset to a formatted group of selections ?
To me there is a randomness about what is pre-selected when I login to plan a new mission. A couple of examples.
Metrics sometimes starts up in “Imperial” other times to “Metric (m/s)”.
“Use Online Elevation” is sometimes blank, sometimes selected.
“Show Discover Missions” is sometimes selected, sometimes not.
“Finish Action” is often at “None” other times “RTH” that I have used previously use.

I notice too that if I open a saved mission, the settings aren’t as I originally set.

I frequently log out on completion, log into Virtual Litchi Mission and check my elevations and views on Google Earth Pro just to see if there might be some elevation surprises or a better POI location.
I am pretty sure all my settings are as I made them there.

Any ideas please?

I can answer the first part of your question about the randomness of the Mission Hub preset values. The cruise speed on my copy of the Mission Hub was set at 17.9 mph. Assuming that the figure of 17.9 mph had originally been carved in stone by Moses because it was the optimum cruise speed for the most efficient battery consumption, I dared not change that cruise speed for fear of being struck down by a punitive lightning bolt.

It turned out that my Mavic 1 Pro cruised most efficiently at 28mph, and by the simple expedient of increasing the cruise speed to 28 mph for all my planned Litchi missions, the overall range attainable dramatically increased overnight.

In my experience, the values in the Settings dialog match those of the previous session. Therefore, my first assumption would be that those values are saved with your account. However, if I log into another computer and then navigate to the Mission Hub (using the same account), the settings are different from those in Mission Hub running on the first computer. I see the same behavior when using a different browser on the same computer. So, even though the settings seem to “remember” their values for me, it is more complicated than simply saving those settings to your account.

Another possibility is the use of Cookies to save your settings. However, I have checked and don’t see any flylitchi cookies obviously being used to store settings.

The bottom line is that I don’t know what mechanism is being used to store settings between sessions. I do know that if I open missions shared from others, the settings I see in the Mission Hub will be those set by the creator of the shared mission.

This is definitely not the expected behavior and I don’t know why that would be happening for you.

Thanks for those insights
I shall continue to double check Settings everytime I open or use a stored mission just to be on the safe side
Several of my missions are along a river and reveals over the cliffs so it is critical I am always comfy with my elevations and settings involved. Checks on Google Earth Pro are my norm too.
Hopefully I will get a handle on what is happenning as time passes.

The basic data is in the Settings window - lower left corner next to the Missions inscription on a blue background :slight_smile:
Before opening a new mission file, I suggest closing the open missions - cross in the upper left corner - Clear. Then Settings and a new mission.
Best regards.

Yes Thank you Piotr2,
I’m accepting of the fact the key settings I use will have to be set or checked everytime I use the app.
I’m a bit nervous that when I close and save a planned mission, then reopen it either in that session or later, that what I set and saved doesnt show.
What is actually saved for my mission I havent a clue but assume it is OK because the mission flys and works but I will start to look at the settings on the iPhone when I fly it to ensure I am safe and on song each time.
I shall observe and get my brain straight for future missions.